As ususal there were outstanding demonstrations, some pictures are posted below..
Starting with saturdays demonstrations, Ryan worked on a cascade shimpaku which got a slight turn. Masayuki were given a large japanese yew, Pavel got a pine which needed som bending and Gabriel Romero worked on a scots pine.
Ryans tree before workExplaining pros and cons, and his idea for designRotated well over 90 degrees and work started with cleaning.Continued work, everyone wondered how he would water after the styling was done?Finished tree after Saturdays demo, but with a surprise that he would repot on Sunday morning.Sifting soil on Sunday morningStarting to take soil off the top.Slowly but surely, but how about that jin?Small, but elegant pot with the jin hanging down..
That was Ryans tree for saturday, and finsihed on Sunday.
The japanes yew that Masayuki Fujikawa worked on.A slight change in inclination and refinement on the pads was all that was needed.Finished tree on SaturdayPavel Slovac´s tree, an Pinus Uncinata.An angle change and some jacks for bending a thick branch. This will become the apex in the final design.Finished. I´m getting more and more fond of cascades with branches coming across the front.Only have a before and after shot of Gabriel´s tree.