Visiting this years Trophy in Genk, Belgium was an easy decision. Knowing that Minoru Akiyama (JP) and Ryan Neil (US) was the headlining demonstrators alongside Tony Tickle (UK) and Mauro Stemberger (IT).
I believe that this is the fifth year I´ve visited the event and it´s always a nice start to the growing season. My trees haven´t woken up yet so it´s refreshing to see all the trees and plants in their spring clothing. I will post som pictures and impressions of this years event, starting with the sales area.

As usual, the sales area is comprised of two large halls. Both are filled with vendors and offers trees, pots, stands, accent plants and other supplies.
Placed in rows to allow people to flow thru the halls, but it still gets a little tight when a lot of people are trying to see the same things 🙂

So, what did I get?
Well, since I can´t get any larger items with me home in the carry-on luggage, I simply got some copper wire, a small white pine and this nice oval pot for a crab apple of mine.