We had a workshop date set a long time ago, in April. A month that we knew could be a bit tricky, weatherwise. All seemed good, with temperatures around 14 degrees celsius. But then a coldfront came and dropped +20cm of snow.Anyway, most of it melted away and we still had our workshop. Some didn’t […]
Category: Uncategorized
Is Lava Good For Bonsai? | Michael Hagedorn
Source: Is Lava Good For Bonsai? | Michael Hagedorn
How to grow bonsai from seed or cutting – Bonsai Tonight

It would be nice if we could create beautiful bonsai by starting trees from seed or cutting and simply waiting for them to mature. Source: How to grow bonsai from seed or cutting – Bonsai Tonight
Trophy 2020 – the sales area

Visiting this years Trophy in Genk, Belgium was an easy decision. Knowing that Minoru Akiyama (JP) and Ryan Neil (US) was the headlining demonstrators alongside Tony Tickle (UK) and Mauro Stemberger (IT). I believe that this is the fifth year I´ve visited the event and it´s always a nice start to the growing season. My […]
Bonsai Mirai beginners series – deciduous front selection
Fifth episode covers front selection in deciduous material Enjoy!